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We are pleased to present the inaugural interview in this series with Betsy Distler, Principal, Banko Design, of Marietta,GA.
Betsy is an experienced leader, with expertise in the design industry for the Senior Living, Restaurant and Hospitality sectors.
Tell me a little bit about your firm and its place in the market. Also, the role the firm plays on a larger scale in the United States.
Betsy: Banko Design is a boutique interior design studio that focuses on active adult, hospitality, multifamily and senior living spaces. We offer our design services across the nation in close collaboration with two sister studios that we're very proud to associate with: WDA – Warner Design and Associates in California and A. Leni Interiors in Illinois.
How long have you been with the firm?
Besty: Since 2016. At that point Banko was two years old. Banko started in 2014, so when I joined, we were very young. Nearly a decade later, we’ve seen incredible change and growth with a deeply talented team.
As one of the original members, what made you decide to join DAC?
Betsy: I would say Number One: I was very interested in being a part of a group of business leaders. Number Two: I'm a total tile nerd! I love tile. I love looking at tile. I like talking about it, learning about it.
What was your biggest takeaway from your experience in DAC?
Betsy: I think what I enjoyed the most was talking to management level principles in the group. We talked a lot about tile, but even in the off conversations, we talked about running a company, and the challenges that come along with that, the challenges we all faced with COVID and the aftermath of the pandemic. We talked about staffing, the demands of staffing appropriately, and the different things that new designers were talking about. I met some really great people in the group and I hope to continue those relationships.
What was your biggest takeaway about the tile industry?
Betsy: I would say it’s the continued knowledge that there are sources out there that will help Designers specify, to get the best product for their client. And that sales reps are critical to our success, and we appreciate them very much. Seeing the tile production process is interesting. When we had the first DAC meeting at the (Florim USA) factory in Tennessee, we not only toured the factory, but we also met with the design team. They talked about finishes, imprints and digital images and how it all layers together, to create a unique product. Understanding that sort of background, of tile production, helps a designer understand what the possibilities are and how far you can go.
As a DAC member, you were offered the opportunity to develop a tile collection, knowing the concepts would be voted on to select one to be produced and added to the MILE®stone portfolio (in MILE®stone’s “Stories”, giving voice to the American Design Community). How did you embrace that opportunity and dive into the process of developing a collection?
Besty: I was so excited with the idea of doing a collection! I spent a lot of time thinking about it and talked to people here in the studio about design concepts. Just like any other design project: you start out here and then you slowly work this way or that. It is a process that takes you in multiple directions until you narrow down to the final concept.
Wow – that’s great, even if you aren't a tile nerd- that sounds like an interesting opportunity. That's great feedback for future potential DAC members… and finally, speaking of that, would you recommend becoming a DAC member to colleagues of yours?
Betsy: Yes. I think it was a worthwhile experience it. I think it can be tricky for business owners to devote the time, but I think it is definitely worthwhile. The relationships with other leaders was a surprising and welcome benefit of the whole experience.